一张自关联的父子表,实现删除子记录时判断父记录下是否还有子记录,如果没有子记录,则更新父记录。--建表create table test_sj (id number(8) not null,p_id number(8),remark varchar2(200));alter table test_sj add constraint PK_test_sj primary key (id);alter table test_sj add constraint FK_test_sj foreign key (p_id) references test_sj (id);--插数据truncate table test_sj;insert into test_sj values (0,null,'0');insert into test_sj values (1,0,'0');insert into test_sj values (2,0,'0');insert into test_sj values (11,1,'1');insert into test_sj values (12,1,'1');insert into test_sj values (21,2,'2');commit;--触发器create or replace trigger tri_test_sj_ad after delete on test_sj for each rowdeclare -- 定义变量pragma autonomous_transaction;l_cnt number;begin select count(id) into l_cnt from test_sj where p_id=:old.p_id and id <> :old.id; if l_cnt=0 then update test_sj set remark='你没有儿子了' where id=:old.p_id; commit; end if; raise_application_error(-20001,'你来了吗?'||l_cnt);end tri_test_sj_ad;/show err;alter trigger tri_test_sj_ad disable;create or replace trigger tri_test_sj_bd before delete on test_sj for each row
declare -- 定义变量pragma autonomous_transaction; --设为自治事务,从而避免ORA-14552(无法在一个查询或DML中执行DDL、COMMIT、ROLLBACK)、ORA-14551(无法在一个查询中执行DML操作)等错误l_cnt number;begin select count(id) into l_cnt from test_sj where p_id=:old.p_id and id <> :old.id; if l_cnt=0 then update test_sj set remark='你没有儿子了' where id=:old.p_id; commit; end if;-- raise_application_error(-20001,'你来了吗?'||l_cnt);end tri_test_sj_bd;/show err;alter trigger tri_test_sj_bd disable;--触发条件
delete from test_sj where id in (11); -- 一次删除父的部分子时正常delete from test_sj where id in (11,12); -- 一次删除父的所有子时存在问题,问题在于:行级触发器每次只能传进一行记录,判断时总有一行处于“存在状态”,可以用语句级触发器试试,或者在应用程序里写个循环,为每层循环开启一个事务。delete from test_sj where id in (21); -- 一次删除父的唯一子时正常--查询select * from test_sj;--语句级触发器
1.用包头来定义数据结构CREATE OR REPLACE Package Pkg_test_sj_idsAs type p_ids is table of test_sj.id%type index by binary_integer; v_ids p_ids; v_pids p_ids; v_NumEntries binary_integer := 0;End Pkg_test_sj_ids;/show err;2.行级触发器Create Or Replace Trigger Tri_test_sj_ad_r After Delete On test_sj for each rowDeclareBegin --[记录数据]-- Pkg_test_sj_ids.v_NumEntries := Pkg_test_sj_ids.v_NumEntries + 1; Pkg_test_sj_ids.v_ids(Pkg_test_sj_ids.v_NumEntries) := :old.id; Pkg_test_sj_ids.v_pids(Pkg_test_sj_ids.v_NumEntries) := :old.p_id; End Tri_test_sj_ad_r;/show err;3.语句级触发器Create Or Replace Trigger Tri_test_sj_ad_all After Delete On test_sjDeclare l_id test_sj.id%type; l_pid test_sj.p_id%type; l_cnt number;Begin for v_LoopIndex in 1..Pkg_test_sj_ids.v_NumEntries loop --[获取变量]-- l_id := Pkg_test_sj_ids.v_ids(v_LoopIndex); l_pid := Pkg_test_sj_ids.v_pids(v_LoopIndex); select count(id) into l_cnt from test_sj where p_id=l_id and id <> l_pid; if l_cnt=0 then update test_sj set remark='你没有儿子了' where id=l_pid;-- commit; end if; end loop; Pkg_test_sj_ids.v_NumEntries := 0;End Tri_test_sj_ad_all;/show err;--测试
delete from test_sj where id in (11,12); -- okdelete from test_sj where id in (21); -- ok